Hemorrhoid is a common ailment among adults. Any person suffering from hemorrhoids will attest that it is one of the most annoying and painful health problems. The causes can be attributed to a wide variety of factors such as diet, constipation, pregnancy, overwork, constant sitting and standing.
Nature’s Green Hemorrhoid Relief Capsules are Chinese medicinal prescription which contains a blend of 6 all-natural herbal extracts and prepared by modern pharmaceutical technology. The product’s anti-inflammatory and astringent properties help relieve hemorrhoid symptoms of pain, itching, bleeding, burning sensation and general discomfort. It can minimize the hemorrhoid swelling and inflammation and make the bowel movements less painful.
Absorbs clots and arrests bleeding. Helps relieve the symptoms of swelling, pain and bleeding caused by grade I and II internal or mixed hemorrhoids.
DOSAGE: For oral administration, take 4 capsules, 3 times daily.
For internal and mixed hemorrhoids, the course of treatment is 7 days. The course of treatment can be extended according to patient’s condition.
1.Not to be taken by pregnant women, and those with allergies.
2.Not to be used for acute thrombotic external hemorrhoids and acute perianal abscess.
3.Avoid smoking, alcohol, and fried, greasy, irritant or pungent foods.
痔疮是成年人常见病症,给人们工作和生活带来诸多不便。引起痔疮 的原因很多,诸如饮食、便秘、怀孕,久坐、久站少活动、劳累等都 可引发痔疮。常见症状有便血、肛门疼痛搔痒、肛门口有异物感等不 适感觉,长期不治者可引发肛门肿痛、出血等病变绿叶牌“痔瘘舒胶 囊”采用全天然具特殊功效的中药,以现代药剂技术精制而成的浓缩 胶囊,它可缓解痔疮引起的疼痛或搔痒,减轻或消除痔疮患处肿 胀、发炎和出血等病变,并兼有清理肠道的功能。
功能与主治:清热燥湿、祛风止血、化淤散结。用于湿热壅滞之 I、II期内痔、混合痔,对痔疮肿痛、出血有缓解作用。
用法与用量:口服,一次4粒,一日3次。内痔、混合痔7天为一疗 程。根据病情需要,可适当延长疗程。
2.急性血栓性外痔、急性肛周脓肿不属于本品适用范围 ·
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