Hemorrhoid is a condition where the veins around the lower rectum or anus are swollen and inflamed. Symptoms of hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms.
Hemorrhoid Care Tablets is a botanical Chinese medicine prescription which contains a blend of a all-natural herbal extracts and prepared by modern pharmaceutical technology The products anti-inflammatory and astringent properties help shrink distended varicose veins and counter the painful swelling hemorrhoids. It can give you effective relief of hemorrhoid conditions.
Reduces swelling and arrests bleeding. Helps relieve the symptoms of swelling, pain and bleeding caused by grade I or II internal-external hemorrhoids. DOSAGE:
For oral administration: Take 2-4 tablets, 2 times daily.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Avoid smoking, alcohol, and fried, greasy, irritant or pungent foods.
痔疮是成年人常见病症,给人们工作和生活带来诸多不便。引起痔疮的原因很 多,诸如饮食、便秘、怀孕,久坐、久站少活动,劳累等都可引发痔疮。痔疮 以肛门锯齿线为界,分为内痔与外痔。外痔的症状以疼痛搔痒为主,而内痔则 以流血及便后痔疮脱出为主。绿叶牌枯痔宁片以中国卫生部处方为基础, 8种具有清热消肿、收敛止血功效的天然中草药,经现代药剂技术精制而成的 浓缩片剂。本品可缓解痔疮引起的疼痛或搔痒,减轻或消除痔疮患处肿胀和发 炎等症状。
清热消肿,凉血止血,收敛。用于一、二期内痔、外痔,对痔疮 肿痛、出血有缓解作用。
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