Chest pain that is caused by a heart disease may be a sign of a serious health problem. Heartonic Tablets are made from 17 special selected herbs based on the classical Chinese herbal prescription and prepared by modern pharmaceutical technology.
This product can effectively relieve heart disease with the symptoms of a feeling of tightness or pressure on the chest, heart pain, palpitation, shortness of breath, mental fatigue, dizziness and headache. It is a natural herbal medicine designed to maintain a healthy heart function for middle-aged and elderly person.
Promotes blood circulation and alleviates heart pain. Relieves heart disease with the symptoms of chest distension, heart pain, palpitation, shortness of headache. breath, mental fatigue, dizziness and
For oral administration, take 3 tablets, 3 times daily.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Not to be taken by pregnant women.
胸痹心痛是临床常见疾病,多发于中老年人,发病率高,危害健康。中医 认为“不通则痛,气滞不畅,瘀血停滞,壅阻心脉”是导致本病的基本 的病机、绿叶牌“太极护心丹”选用丹参、田七、葛根、川芎、红 、地龙、郁金等17味天然中药,以现代制药技术精制而成的浓缩片 剂。本品具有活血化瘀,行气通络,通窍止痛的良好功效,因而适用于 因心气不足,心脏无力,使心血不畅,心血痹阻所致的心胸憋闷,心胸 疼痛,心悸心慌,气短神疲,头昏头痛等为主症的心脏疾病,对维持中老 年人心脏功能健康具有良好的辅助治疗效果。
功能与主治,活血祛瘀,行气化痰,通络止痛。用于气滞血瘀,痰浊阻络, 心脏无力,心血不畅。证见胸口憋闷,心胸疼痛不适,气短神疲、心悸,头晕头痛。
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