The maintenance of healthy bones and joints was traditionally achieved by the intake of highly concentrated calcium supplements. However, due to low levels of bioavailability of such supplements, the result may be counterproductive. Utilizing modern research on food science and traditional Chinese medicine, Calcium Collagen Essences contains the “soft gold of collagen type II collagen and glucosamine – and Chinese herbal medicine such as frankincense and myrrh to provide more effective results.

传统补骨关节侧重在补钙,尤其是直接补充含钙量高的钙源,但是由于生物利用度不高,有时反而会起到反作用,关节补骨胶囊使用 被称为胶原蛋白中的“软黄金”——Ⅱ型胶原蛋白和葡萄糖氨,配合中药 乳香、没药,综合作用好,效果快且持久

Medicinal Actions

Relieve pain and inflammation, lubricate the joints, increase bone density and regenerate cartilage

Collagen Patented formula to supplement collagen and cartilage
Active calcium High bioavailability and does not require Vitamin D to promote absorption[1]
Olibanum, Myrrha Relieve pain and disperse swelling, engender the muscles and promote bone growth[5-7] (from the Compendium of Materia Medica)
Gluconate amine Repair cartilage, relieve inflammatory symptoms, and relieve pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints[8]

Clinical Indications

Pain and swelling in the joints, limited movement, difficulties in walking up and down the stairs, prone to fractures and cramps, etc. Commonly used in the treatment of degenerative joint disease, cartilage damage, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, etc.

Dosage and Administration

For oral administration, 2-3 capsules 2 times daily

Warnings and Precautions

Administration of this medicinal product should be stopped upon discovery of any adverse drug reactions or changes in physical appearance of the capsules.